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- Czech (& Central European) yearbook of arbitration. New York : Juris, c2011- 2016- Hague : Lex Lata . svazků
- Europäische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift. Kehl am Rhein ; Strasbourg ; Arlington, Va. : N.P. Engel, 1977- . svazků
- European journal of international law. Oxford : Oxford University Press - Fundamental rights report ... / European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, [2016]- . svazků
Plné texty - Human rights information bulletin : an update on human rights activities within the Council of Europe. [Strasbourg] : Council of Europe, 1997-
- Human Rights Law Review [elektronický zdroj]. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001-
Plné texty 2001-2019 - Information note on the case-law of the court. [Strasbourg] : Council of Europe, 1995-
- Publications de la Cour européenne des Droit de l'Homme. Série A: Arrets et décisions. Köln : Carl Heymann,