Number of the records: 1  

Cambridge English

  1. Title statementCambridge English : objective advanced. Teacher's book with teacher's resources audio CD/CD-ROM / Felicity O'Dell, Annie Broadhead
    Additional Variant TitlesObjective advanced. Teacher's book with teacher's resources audio CD/CD-ROM
    Cambridge English - objective advanced. Teacher's book with teacher's resources audio CD/CD-ROM
    Personal name O'Dell, Felicity, 1947- (author)
    Edition statementThird edition
    PublicationCambridge : Cambridge University Press, [2012]
    Copyright notice date©2012
    Phys.des.122 stran + 1 CD-ROM
    ISBN978-0-521-18173-0 (brožováno)
    NoteNad názvem: University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations
    Na obálce pod názvem: Official preparation material for Cambridge English: andvanced, also known as Certificate in advanced English (CAE)
    Another responsib. Broadhead, Annie (author)
    Another responsib. University of Cambridge. ESOL Examinations (publisher)
    Subj. Headings angličtina English language * jazykové zkoušky language examinations * Certificate in Advanced English Certificate in Advanced English
    Form, Genre jazykové učebnice, texty, příručky (C) language textbooks, texts, handbooks (C) * metodické příručky methodological manuals
    Conspect811.111 - Angličtina
    37.016 - Učební osnovy. Vyučovací předměty. Učebnice
    UDC 811.111 , 81'24:37.091.27 , (07.064)81 , (072)
    CountryVelká Británie
    Document kindBooks
    View book information on page


    Call numberBarcodeLocationSublocationInfo
    F4/C1_U/15 (BC)3139701337Britské centrumBC - Cambridge English ExamsDate due 30 days
    Cambridge English

Number of the records: 1  

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