Number of the records: 1  

Acta Botanica Fennica

  1. Údaje o názvuActa Botanica Fennica
    Vyd.údajeHelsinki : Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 1925-
    PoznámkaPopsáno podle Roč. 60, 1958
    Od roku 1972, č. 96 vychází jednotlivá čísla s ISBN. Od roku 1978, č. 101 vychází pod ISSN 0001-5369
    Předmět.hesla fauna fauna * flóra flora * botanika botany
    Forma, žánr odborné časopisy professional journals
    Konspekt58 - Botanika
    MDT 591.9 , 581.9 , 57/59 , (051)-027.561 , 58
    Země vyd.Finsko
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    germánské jazyky, ostatní
    Druh dok.PERIODIKA - Souborný záznam periodika
    OdkazySouborný záznam: použijte odkaz na záznam čísla nebo svazku
    Čísla1993: 148: Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. LII-LIV, 149: Soviet-Finnish symposium on exploitation of non-timber forest resou
    1992: 144: Symposium on flora history, 145: The climate of Tierra del Fuego from a vegetation geographical poin, 146: Fine-interval pollen and charcoal analyses as tracers of early clea, 147: Macrolichens and their zonal distribution in Wells Gray Provincial
    1991: 143: Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XXXIX-XLVI
    1990: 139: Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XXXV-XXXVI, 140: The Tripsacinae: An interdisciplinary review of maize an, 142: The Corticiaceae subfamilies Phlebioideae, Phanero, 141: The influence of sheep and cattle grazing on wooded meadows in Ǻlan
    1989: 137: Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. XXVI-XXVII, 138: A synopsis of genus Pogonatum
    1988: 136: Proceedings of the Finnish-Soviet symposium on timber forest resour, 135: The oligotrophic heath vegetation of northern Fennoscandia and its
    1987: 134: Topographic, microclimatic and edaphic control of the vegetation in
    1986: 132: A monograph of the genera Lepidolejeunea and Luteolejeunea, 133: Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea XIV-XiX
    1985: 129: A revision of the Chinese species of Fissidens, 130: Chromosome numbers in vascular plants from Finland, 131: Bryophyte flora of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. VII-XIII
    1984: 125: Annotated catalogue of Western Melanesian bryophytes. I, 126: Filamentous rock-pool algae in the Tvärmine archipelago, S. coast o, 127: A circumboreal system of climatic-phytogeographical regions, 128: A preliminary check-list of the phytoplankton of the Baltic Sea
    1983: 120: Vegetation and soil of the wooded meandows in Nåtö, Ǻland, 121: Nomina generica Hepaticarum, references, types and synonymies, 122: Die Laubmoose im Ruovesi-Virrat-Gebiet in West-Finnland, 123: On life forms, and above-ground and underground biomass of aquatic, 124: Northwest European taxa of Odontites
    1982: 118: A general model of the decline of Fucus vesiculosus at Tvärminne, s, 119: Epiphytic bryophytes as climatic indicators in Eastern Fennoscandia
    1981: 116: Spontaneous Carex hybrids of Heleonastes and related section in Fen, 117: A synopsis of Mniaceae . VI. Southeast Asian taxa
    1980: 113: Early land use, especially the slash-and-burn cultivation in the co, 114: Die Flora im Nationalpark Oulanka, Nord-Finnland, 115: Succession of island vegetation in the land uplift area of the nort
    1979: 109: Die Laubmoose in Kymenlaakso in Südfinnland, 110: Taxonomy and ecology of microalgae in marine and brackish water env, 111: The grain immigrant flora of Finland, 112: Morphology and anatomy of leaves from some woody plants in a humid
    1978: 106: Ecology of phytoplankton in the tvärminne area, sw coast of Finland, 107: The effect of cultivation and fertilizers on Filipendula vulgaris M, 108: Variation, distribution and taxonomy of Chenopodium suecicum and C., 101: Index generalis seriei Acta Botanica Fennica 41-100
    1975: 104: Pollen Analysis as a means of tracing settlement history in SW-Finl, 105: Ecology of phytoplankton in the Tvärminne area, SW coast of Finland
    1974: 103: The ultrastructure of dry and germinating seeds of Pinus sylvestris
    1973: 99: ZurChlorococcalen-Flora Finnlands. III. Ekenäs-Tvärminne-Gegend. 2., 100: Ecology of phytoplankton in the Tvärminne area, SW coast of Finland, 102: Relative pollen rain around cultivated fields
    1972: 97: The East Asiatic species of Plagiomnium sect. Rostrata, 98: Human influence on the vegetation of Katinhäntä bog, Vihti, S. Finlan, 96: On the taxonomy and distribution of Rhodobryum roseum and its related
    1971: 92: The stages of the Baltic Sea as indicated by the diatom stratigraphy, 93: Desmids from Namibia, 94: Zur Chlorococcalen-Flora Finnlands. II. Vantaanjoki und Keravanjoki, 95: The Flandrian development of the pond Hyrynlampi, Southern Finland, w
    1970: 87: The indication of farming in pollen diagrams from southern Finland, 88: Potamogetonaceae fruits. I. Recent and subfossil endocarps of the Fen, 89: Dillenius's 'Historia muscorum' as the basic of hepatic nomenclature,, 90: Die Entwicklung des Sees Pyhäjärvi in Südfinnland im Lichte von Sedim, 91: Dryopteris dilatata s. lat. in Europe and the Island of Madeira. A ch
    1969: 83: On the railway vegetation and flora between Esbo and Ingå, S. Finland, 85: Comparative studies on the sugar pools of three Lathyrus species, 86: Effect of different sucrose concentrations and gibberellic acid on an, 84: Influence of the Soviet tenancy on the flora of the Porkala area
    1968: 82: Zur Chlorococcalen-Flora Finnlands. I. Ekenäs-Tvärminne-Gegend. 1., 78: Desmids from Sierra Leone, tropical West Africa, 79: Macroscopic green, brown, and red algae in the southwestern archipela, 80: Late-and Post-glacial macrophytic vegetation in the lochs of Northern, 81: Comparative studies on the amino acid pools of three Lathyrus species
    1967: 74: The flora of Ikkalanniemi , studi, 75: Tripleurospermum in the northern parts of Scandinavia, F, 76: Palaeolimnological investigations of three inland lakes in South-west, 77: The Dryopteris spinulosa complex in Finland
    1966: 70: Parmelia olivacea and the allied non-isidiate and non-sorediate corti, 71: Über die Terpenbiosynthese beeinflussenden Faktoren in Pinus silvestr, 72: Some races of Juncus articulatus L. in Finland, 73: Chemotaxonomische Untersuchengen in der Gattung Picea
    1965: 68: Über Farbenreaktionen von Flechten der Gattung Usnea, 69: Desmids from the Amazon Basin, Brazil, collected by Dr. H. Sioli
    1964: 67: Die gefässpflanzenflora von pielisjärvi und lieksa, nordkarelien
    1963: 65-66: The zoning of the post-glacial Pollen diagrams in Finland and the
    1961: 63-64: Sudanese desmids, 61: Studier över havsstrandens vegetation och flora på åland, 62: Veränderungen in der gefässpflanzen-flora der meeresfelsen von tvärmi
    1958: 60: Växter kända från norden i linnés herbarium
    1942: 32: Die Pflanzenverteilung auf den Meeresufern von Gotland
    1941: 29-31: The distribution of Different Cations betwwwn Root and Schoot, 28: Studien über Fraxinus Excelsior L.
    1940: 27: Pflanzengeographische Studien im Gebiet der Niederen Fjelden im westl
    1939: 24-25: Über den Antagonismus von Wasserstoffionen und Metallkationen bei
    1938: 21: Jämtlands Kärlväxtflora
    1937: 19: Pflanzengeographische studien im Gebiet der Niederen Fjelde im Westli, 20: Untersuchungen über die Säkulare Landhebung als Pflanzengeographische
    1936: 18: Vergleichende Permeabilitätsstudien an Pflanzlichen Protoplasten
    1934: 13-16: Über die Vegetation der Flugsandgebiete an den Küsten Finnlands
    1931: 8-9: Über die Ursachen der Regionalen Verteilung der Schärenflora Südwes, 10-11: Vergleichende studien über die Laubwiesen im westlichen und Östli
    1930: 6-7: Permeabilitätsstudien an Chara Ceratophylla
    1928: 4-5: Über die Basenpermeabilität Pflanzlicher Zellen
    1927: 2: Die Einwanderungswege der Flora nach den Ǻlandsinseln, 3: Studien über Laubwiesen in den Kirchspielen Kyrkslätt und Esbo in Südf


Number of the records: 1  

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