Number of the records: 1
Quantum communication, measurement and computing
Title statement Quantum communication, measurement and computing / [elektronický zdroj] editors S.M. Barnett ... [et al.] Issue data [New York] : American Institute of Physics, c2004 Phys.des. 1 elektronicky optický disk ISBN 0735402167 Edition AIP conference proceedings; 734 Another responsib. Barnett, Stephen M. (editor) Another responsib. The American Institute of Physics (other) Quantum communication, measurement and computing. International conference. American Institute of Physisc (7. : 2004 :) (other) Source document Quantum communication, measurement and computing : the seventh international conference on Quantum communication, measurement and computing, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 25-29 July 2004 / Subj. Headings kvantová fyzika quantum physics * elektronická komunikace electronic communication * sborníky * výpočetní technika computer technology Form, Genre elektronický zdroj * CD-ROM CD-ROM Conspect 53 - Fyzika UDC 004 , 004.085.2 , 530.145(082) Country Spojené státy americké Language angličtina Document kind Electronic sources Call number Barcode Location Sublocation Info N/A 3134019172 PřF PřF, Knihovna Date due 30 days
Number of the records: 1