Number of the records: 1
Medical ultrasound safety
Title statement Medical ultrasound safety / American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Edition statement 2nd ed. Issue data Laurel, Md. : American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, c2009 Phys.des. viii, 64 s. : il. ISBN (Kroužková) Contents Bioeffects and biophysics -- Prudent use -- Implementing ALARA Another responsib. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Subj. Headings lékařské přístroje medical instruments and apparatus * ultrasonografie ultrasonography * ultrazvuk ultrasound * zdravotní aspekty health aspects MeSH ultrazvuk Ultrasonics Form, Genre příručky handbooks and manuals Conspect 534 - Mechanické kmity. Akustika UDC 534.321.9 , 616-71 , 616-073-026.572 , (048.8) Country Spojené státy americké Language angličtina Document kind Books book
Call number Barcode Location Sublocation Info 99/696 3135012559 LF LF Lékařská biofyzika, biometrie a informatika In-Library Use Only 2009/191 (LF) 3135024055 LF LF Lékařská biofyzika, biometrie a informatika In-Library Use Only
Number of the records: 1