Number of the records: 1
Social protection in the Member states of the European Union, of the European economic area and in Switzerland
Title statement Social protection in the Member states of the European Union, of the European economic area and in Switzerland : situation on 1 May 2004 Main entry-corp. Mutual information system on social protection (MISSOC) (author) Issue data Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005 Phys.des. 945 s. : tab. ISBN 9289484691 Another responsib. Evropská komise. Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs (other) Korporations keywords Evropská unie Chronological term 2004 Subj. Headings sociální politika social policy * sociální zabezpečení social security Geographic keywords země Evropské unie European Union countries Conspect 364 - Sociální problémy vyžadující podporu a pomoc. Sociální zabezpečení UDC 304(4) , 364:061.1EU Country Lucembursko Language angličtina Document kind Books book
Call number Barcode Location Sublocation Info 9/65 (EDS) 3130102227 PF PF - Evropské dokumentační středisko Date due 30 days
Number of the records: 1