Number of the records: 1
The consumer markets scoreboard
Title statement The consumer markets scoreboard : monitoring consumer outcomes in the Single Market Main entry-corp. Evropská komise. Directorate-General for Health and Consumer Protection (author) Issue data Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008 Phys.des. 74 s. ISBN 9789279080661 Subj. Headings ekonomická integrace economic integration * nakupování shopping * spotřebitelé consumers * vnitřní trh single market Geographic keywords země Evropské unie European Union countries Conspect 339 - Obchod UDC 339.923 , 366-05 Country Lucembursko Language angličtina Document kind Books book
Call number Barcode Location Sublocation Info 12/7 (EDS) 3130102467 PF PF - Evropské dokumentační středisko Date due 30 days
Number of the records: 1