Number of the records: 1
Cases, materials and problems on general practice insurance law
Title statement Cases, materials and problems on general practice insurance law / by Kenneth H. York and John W. Whelan Personal name York, Kenneth H. (author) Edition statement 2nd ed. Issue data St. Paul : West Publishing, 1988 Phys.des. xliv, 787 s. ISBN 0314414444 (dotisk) Edition American casebook series Note Rejstř. Another responsib. Whelan, John W. (author) Subj. Headings pojištění insurance * pojišťovnictví insurance Geographic keywords Spojené státy americké United States Form, Genre dokumenty documents Conspect 368 - Pojišťovnictví UDC 368(73) Country Spojené státy americké Language angličtina Document kind Books Call number Barcode Location Sublocation Info 3227 (PF) 3130004849 PF PF - sklad knihovny Date due 30 days
Number of the records: 1