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Business statistics for management and economics

  1. Title statementBusiness statistics for management and economics / Wayne W. Daniel, James C. Terrell
    Personal name Daniel, Wayne W., 1929- (author)
    Edition statement5th ed.
    Issue dataBoston : Houghton Mifflin, 1989
    Phys.des.xv, 904 [171] s.
    Another responsib. Terrell, James C. (author)
    Subj. Headings ekonomika * statistické metody statistical methods * ekonomická statistika economic statistics
    UDC 338.001.36 , 519.22
    CountryBez místa
    Document kindBooks
    View book information on page


    Call numberBarcodeLocationSublocationInfo
    220:010/X6 (KUP)3139008756ZbrojniceÚstřední knihovna UP - ekonomieDate due 30 days
    220:010/X6a (KUP)3139008757ZbrojniceÚstřední knihovna UP - ekonomieDate due 30 days
    Business statistics for management and economics

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