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Astronomica et astrologica cracoviensia ante annum 1550

  1. Title statementAstronomica et astrologica cracoviensia ante annum 1550 / Mieczyslaw Markowski
    Personal name Markowski, Mieczysław, 1929-2011 (author)
    Issue dataFirenze : Leo S. Olschki, 1990
    Phys.des.xxxv, 377 s.
    EditionStudi e testi ISSN 0394-4400 ; 20
    Another responsib. Istituto nazionale di studi sul Rinascimento (other)
    Chronological term 15.-16. století
    Subj. Headings astronomie astronomy * italská literatura Italian literature * univerzity universities * věda science
    Geographic keywords Krakov (Polsko) Kraków (Poland)
    Form, Genre studie studies
    UDC 52 , 133.52 , 378.4(438.31) , 821.131.1 , 821.131.1"14/15" , 821.131.1(091)
    Languageitalština ; latina
    Document kindBooks


    Call numberBarcodeLocationSublocationInfo
    452:005/50 (KUP)3133008030ZbrojniceÚstřední knihovna UP - italštinaIn-Library Use Only

Number of the records: 1  

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