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Analýza korespondenčního stylu Bohuslava Reynka

  1. Title statementAnalýza korespondenčního stylu Bohuslava Reynka [rukopis] / Petra Burdová
    Additional Variant TitlesKorespondenční styl Bohuslava Reynka
    Personal name Burdová, Petra, (dissertant)
    Translated titleCorrespondence Style of Bohuslav Reynek
    Issue data2021
    Phys.des.148 973 + CD ROM
    NoteOponent Karel Komárek
    Ved. práce Petr Komenda
    Another responsib. Komárek, Karel, 1963 duben 29.- (opponent)
    Komenda, Petr, 1975- (thesis advisor)
    Another responsib. Univerzita Palackého. Katedra bohemistiky (degree grantor)
    Keywords korespondence * dopis * epistolární styl * korespondenční styl * Bohuslav Reynek * komunikační strategie * correspondence * letter * correspondence style * Bohuslav Reynek * communication strategy
    Form, Genre diplomové práce master's theses
    UDC (043)378.2
    Degree programNavazující
    Degree programČeská filologie
    Degreee disciplineČeská filologie


    Kvalifikační práceDownloadedSizedatum zpřístupnění
    00274809-847254542.pdf461.2 MB24.06.2021
    PosudekTyp posudku
    00274809-ved-723358007.docxPosudek vedoucího
    00274809-opon-856336661.rtfPosudek oponenta
    Průběh obhajobydatum zadánídatum odevzdánídatum obhajobypřidělená hodnocenítyp hodnocení
    00274809-prubeh-491771565.rtf16.02.202124.06.202130.08.2021DHodnocení známkou

    Magisterská práce se zabývá analýzou korespondenčního stylu Bohuslava Reynka na základě vybraných dopisů z knihy Korespondence (2012). Cílem práce je poukázat na to, že autor dopisů užívá různé komunikační strategie pro odlišné adresáty. V práci se zaměřujeme také na rozbor syntaxe, slovní zásoby a motivů, které mimo jiné se provází také Reynkovu uměleckou tvorbu. Pozornost věnujeme také formálním náležitostem dopisu. To vše dokládáme vhodnými příklady z dopisů Bohuslava Reynka.This diploma thesis is focused on analysis of correspondence style of Bohuslav Reynek. For this research we used selected letters from edition Korespondence (2012). Based on the our selection of individual correspondence units, we performed an analysis of correspondence of Bohuslav Reynek in terms of language, syntax, motives and also formal. We pointed out that it brings us not only information about his life, but also facts about collaboration with Josef Florian, Vlastimil Vokolek and others. We divided the selected correspondence into three types of correspondence style that Reynek used - correspondence with J. Florian, which we decided to mentioned separately because of its large amount of letters; B. Reynek as a collaborator/friend and family correspondence. In the individual chapters, we tried to capture the specifics of these individual types. Correspondence with Josef Florian is characteristic mainly by the fact that it largely focuses on the agenda of the Dobré dílo and they are barely discussing their personal life etc. Another type of Reynek's correspondence style - co-worker/friend - usually combines topics of professional cooperation and personal life. The third and the last kind of correspondence style - family correspondence - here we can see the most dominant discussion about personal life. In some cases, we can talk about the fact that the correspondence has the character of diary entries, because it captures in detail the everyday reality of his life. It often brings specific vocabulary, which does not appear in other types of correspondence dialogue - for example, the use of hypocoristics, deminutives or augmentatives. In our research, we found that the syntax, vocabulary or formal requirements of individual types of correspondence style do not change much. We see differences mainly in the communication strategy that Reynek uses, how is he open in relation to the addressee or which topics he discusse. We try to support our conclusions with suitable examples from specific letters.

Number of the records: 1  

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