Number of the records: 1
HIP International
Title statement HIP International Publication Milano : Wichtig, 2017 Year, No. 27, 1-6, rok 2017 ISSN 1120-7000 Source document HIP International Subj. Headings kyčelní kloub hip joint * biomechanika biomechanics * traumatologie traumatology * pediatrie pediatrics MeSH kyčelní kloub Hip Joint * biomechanika Biomechanical Phenomena * traumatologie Traumatology * pediatrie Pediatrics UDC 611.72 , 612.75 , 617.581 , 616.728.2 , 57:531 , 612.76 , 57:61 , 616-001 , 616-053.2 , (051)-027.561 Country Itálie Language angličtina Document kind PERIODIKA - Svázaný ročník periodika journal
Call number Barcode Location Sublocation Info S/10-2017/27 (LF) LF LF Knihovna - Sklad In-Library Use Only
Number of the records: 1