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Jatin Shah's head and neck surgery and oncology

  1. Title statementJatin Shah's head and neck surgery and oncology / Jatin P. Shah, Snehal G. Patel, Bhuvanesh Singh
    Additional Variant TitlesHead and neck surgery and oncology
    Personal name Shah, Jatin P. (author)
    Edition statementFourth Edition
    PublicationPhiladelphia, PA : Elsevier, Mosby, [2012]
    Copyright notice date©2012
    Phys.des.viii, 838 stran : ilustrace (převážně barevné), grafy
    ISBN978-0-323-05589-5 (vázáno)
    Note"Rev. ed. of: Head and neck surgery and oncology. 3rd ed. 2003" -- Rub titulní strtany
    Internal Bibliographies/Indexes NoteObsahuje bibliografii a rejstřík
    Another responsib. Patel, Snehal G. (author)
    Singh, Bhuvanesh (author)
    Subj. Headings chirurgie hlavy head surgery * chirurgie krku neck surgery * maligní nádorová onemocnění cancer * plastická chirurgie plastic surgery
    MeSH nádory hlavy a krku Head and Neck Neoplasms
    Form, Genre kolektivní monografie collective monographs
    Conspect617 - Ortopedie. Chirurgie. Oftalmologie
    UDC 617.51/.52-089 , 617.53-089 , 616-006.04 , 617-089.844 , (048.8:082)
    CountrySpojené státy americké
    Document kindBooks


    Call numberBarcodeLocationSublocationInfo
    N/A3135031639LFLF/FN StomatochirurgieIn-Library Use Only

Number of the records: 1  

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