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Les langues régionales de France

  1. Title statementLes langues régionales de France : un état de lieux à la veille du XXIe siècle : actes d'un colloque organisé à The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA = The regional languages of France : an inventory on the eve of the XXIst century : papers of a conference held at The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA / réunis par / edited by Philippe Blanchet, Roland Breton & Harold Schiffman
    Par.titleThe regional languages of France : an inventory on the eve of the XXIst century
    Issue dataLouvain-la-Neuve : Peeters, 1999
    Phys.des.202 s. : il.
    ISBN90-429-0791-6 (Peeters, Leuven : brož.)
    2-87723-460-6 (Peeters, France : brož.)
    EditionBibliothèque des Cahiers de l'Institut de linguistique de Louvain ; 102
    Internal Bibliographies/Indexes NoteObsahuje bibliografie a bibliografické odkazy
    NoteČást. anglický text
    Another responsib. Blanchet, Philippe, 1961- (editor)
    Breton, Roland, 1931- (editor)
    Schiffman, Harold F. (editor)
    Another responsib. University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)
    Chronological term 21. století
    Subj. Headings jazyky languages * menšiny minorities * dialekty dialects
    Geographic keywords Francie France
    Form, Genre sborníky konferencí proceedings of conferences
    Conspect81 - Lingvistika. Jazyky
    UDC 81'282 , 316.022.4 , 811.1/.9 , (44) , (062.534)
    Languagefrancouzština ; angličtina
    Document kindBooks


    Call numberBarcodeLocationSublocationInfo
    N/A3133025798FFFF, katedra romanistikyIn-Library Use Only

Number of the records: 1  

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