Number of the records: 1
The 2009 ageing report
Title statement The 2009 ageing report : underlying assumptions and projection methodologies for the EU-27 member states (2007-2060) / European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs Issue data Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008 Phys.des. 213 s. ISBN 9789279083921 (brož.) Edition European economy ; ISSN ISSN 0379-0991 7/2008 Note Pod názvem: Joint report prepared by the European Commission (DG ECFIN) and the Economic Policy Committee (AWG Another responsib. Evropská komise. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs Korporations keywords Evropská unie Chronological term 2007-2060 Subj. Headings obyvatelstvo population * demografický vývoj demographic transition * stárnutí aging * prognózy forecasting * veřejné výdaje public expenditures * důchodové systémy pension systems * mezinárodní programy a projekty international programs and projects Geographic keywords země Evropské unie European Union countries Form, Genre studie studies * výroční zprávy annual reports Conspect 314 - Demografie. Populace UDC 005.591-027.543 , 061.1EU , 314.116 , 316.346.32-053.9 , 336.5 , 364.35/.37-2 , (047.1) , (048.8) Country Lucembursko Language angličtina Document kind Books book
Call number Barcode Location Sublocation Info 3/110 (EDS) 3130102704 PF PF - Evropské dokumentační středisko Date due 30 days
Number of the records: 1