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Adaptace ptáků na urbanizované prostředí

  1. Gern, Karel
    Adaptace ptáků na urbanizované prostředí [rukopis] / Karel Gern. -- 2015. -- Ved. práce Tomáš Grim. -- Abstrakt: Jednim z ustredni?ch temat soucasne behavioralni? ekologie jsou zmeny v chovani? populaci? ruznych druhu v dusledku preziváníni v neustale se rozpinajicim mestskem prostredi. Urbanizace je proces, pri kterem dochazi k osidlovani a prestavbe krajiny a zivotniho prostredi? cloveem v obytne nebo tovarni zastavby. V takto pozmenenem prostredi jsou schopny prezivat jen nektere druhy. Vzhledem k tomu, ze kos cerny?(Turdus merula) se behem zhruba 200 let stal v evropskem urbannim prostredi jednim z nejbezpejsih ptaku, je velmi vhodnym modelovym druhem pro studium adaptaci spojeny?ch s urbanizaci?. Dokonce i v introdukovany?ch populaci?ch (napr?. Novy? Ze?land) patr?i? k nejbe?z?ne?js?i?m me?stsky?m pta?ku?m. Ve sve? bakala?r?ske? pra?ci shrnuji formou litera?rni? res?ers?e za?kladni? adaptace kosa c?erne?ho, ktere? mohly ve?st k tak u?spe?s?ne?mu pr?ez?i?va?ni? tohoto druhu ve me?stech. Tlak me?stske?ho prostr?edi? je natolik silny?, z?e be?hem pome?rne? kra?tke?ho obdobi? dos?lo k odlis?eni? me?stsky?ch a ne-me?stsky?ch populaci? kosa c?erne?ho vmnoha aspektech. Kos si vyvinul nove? z?ivotni? strategie, pr?izpu?sobil se z?ivotu v zastave?ny?ch oblastech a s ti?m spjaty?mi proble?my s hni?zde?ni?m, silne?mu ruchu, ktery? se vtomto prostr?edi? vyskytuje, stresu, tlaku jine?ho spolec?enstva preda?toru?, dostupnosti? a niz?s?i? kvalitou potravni?ch zdroju? nebo odlis?ne?mu mikroklimatu. V souc?asnosti ma? kos c?erny? di?ky novy?m adaptaci?m ve me?stech natolik vhodne? prostr?edi?, z?e oproti pu?vodni?m ne-me?stsky?m populaci?m ma? ve?ts?i? reprodukc?ni? u?spe?ch, populac?ni? hustotu a z pu?vodne? migruji?ci?ho druhu se stal druhem c?a?stec?ne? migruji?ci?m. Prohlubuji?ci? se rozdi?ly mezi me?stsky?mi a ne-me?stsky?mi populacemi kosu? mohou ve?st az? ke geneticke? izolaci obou typu? populaci?. Pro studium rozdi?lu? mezi populacemi je du?lez?ite? sledovat i sousedni? ne-me?stske? populace.. -- Abstrakt: One major topic in contemporary behavioral ecology examines how species' behavior changes as their landscapes become urbanized. The process of urbanization begins with human colonization of pristine habitats and proceeds as that landscape is converted by humans, such that residential houses and factories are predominant features. Only some species have adapted to these altered environments, while most other species have been unable to cope with these radical changes to speciose environments. The blackbird (Turdus merula) has become one of the most common birds in urban environments during the past 200 years; therefore, it is a suitable model for the study of adaptations associated with urbanization. I will summarize basic adaptations of the blackbird in my bachelor thesis which is written as literal research. The pressure of urban environments is so strong that during a relatively short period urban and rural populations differ in many aspects of their life history. To survive in urban areas, blackbirds have had to cope with a range of novel challenges, including the problems of nesting, different predators, availability and quality of food sources of different microclimates which are connected with it. Currently, blackbird populations have been highly successful in the urban habitats due to their ability to cope with selection pressures that differ from those found in their original rural populations. As a result urban blackbirds have greater reproductive success, higher population density, and have become non-migratory. Differences between urban and rural populations can lead to genetic isolation so it is important to observe also neighboring rural populations for relevant results.
    Grim, Tomáš, 1973-. Univerzita Palackého. Katedra botaniky
    adaptace. kos černy. městskapopulace. Turdus merula. urbanizace. Adaptations of the common blackbird to urban environment. bakalářské práce

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