Počet záznamů: 1  

Literatura regionu Malá Haná

  1. Údaje o názvuLiteratura regionu Malá Haná [rukopis] / Zdeňka Macků
    Další variantní názvyLiteratura regionu Malá Haná
    Osobní jméno Macků, Zdeňka (autor diplomové práce nebo disertace)
    Překl.názThe Literature of the Region "Malá Haná
    Fyz.popis94 s. (112 165 znaků) : il., portréty
    PoznámkaVed. práce Jiří Fiala
    Dal.odpovědnost Fiala, Jiří, 1944- (vedoucí diplomové práce nebo disertace)
    Dal.odpovědnost Univerzita Palackého. Katedra bohemistiky (udelovatel akademické hodnosti)
    Klíč.slova Malá Haná * Jevíčko * regionální literatura * Yetti club * Miroslav Prchal * insitní literatura * Iniciály * Ruda B. Beran * Oldřich Koudelka * Štěpán Blažek * Malá Haná * Jevíčko * regional literature * Yetti club * Miroslav Prchal * naive literature * Iniciály * Ruda B. Beran * Oldřich Koudelka * Štěpán Blažek
    Forma, žánr diplomové práce master's theses
    MDT (043)378.2
    Země vyd.Česko
    Jazyk dok.čeština
    Studijní programNavazující
    Studijní programFilologie
    Studijní oborČeská filologie


    Kvalifikační práceStaženoVelikostdatum zpřístupnění
    00130629-881725921.pdf445.4 MB18.05.2012
    PosudekTyp posudku
    00130629-ved-664041075.rtfPosudek vedoucího
    00130629-opon-919265912.rtfPosudek oponenta
    Průběh obhajobydatum zadánídatum odevzdánídatum obhajobypřidělená hodnocenítyp hodnocení
    00130629-prubeh-822986652.pdf26.05.201018.05.201214.06.20123Hodnocení známkou

    Literatura regionu Malá Haná Tato práce je věnována současné literatuře regionu Malá Haná. Nejprve geograficky vymezuji zkoumanou oblast s uvedením obcí, které mají vztah k literatuře, jíž se zabývám v této práci. Stručně se zmiňuji o dějinách Jevíčka a poté se již zaměřuji na kulturní aktivity v regionu. Podrobněji se zabývám recesistickým spolkem Yetti club Jevíčko a autorem naivních básní, Miroslavem Prchalem. Jeho tvorbu dávám do kontextu s jinými tvůrci insitní literatury, zejména Václavem Svobodou Plumlovským. Dále se zmiňuji o uměleckých spolcích Šmidrové a Křižovnická škola čistého humoru bez vtipu a poukazuji na styčné plochy aktivit a tvorby s Yetti clubem. Podstatnou součástí práce je průzkum činnosti literárního sdružení Iniciály, spolku na podporu začínajících literátů. Dále se zabývám kulturními aktivitami a tvorbou jejich nejvýraznějších členů. Jedná se především o Oldřicha Koudelku, Rudolfa Berana a Štěpána Blažka. Zkoumám zejména tvorbu R. Berana, analyzuji jazykové a motivické prvky jeho básní, poukazuji také na jeho dosud nepublikované prózy. Vše dokládám na citacích z relevantních textů.This thesis is devoted to the contemporary literature in the region of Malá Haná. First, I geographically defined the area Malá Haná. Then I tried to explore the cultural activities that exist in the region. I found that culture activities take place in two different types of arenas, in libraries and pubs. People in the region like to attend both, but the cultural events held in restaurants exhibit much higher number of participants in the long run. This is probably connected with the phenomenon of Czech pub and beer culture, whose tradition dates far back before the times of work of Jaroslav Hasek. I focused on the activity of the prankster group Yetti club and I found that his activities culminated around the middle of the 10th years of the new millennium. Ruda B. Beran is the active poet, writer and lyricist of this group. But he is not the only one. I have discovered an original author of Shakespeare's style sonnets Jaroslav Pavelka in the center of Malá Haná. Pavelka is also the leader of the blues band called Bluemy. The biggest surprise for me was the discovery of Miroslav Prchal. He is a very original poet writing naive poetry. It is fair to admit that his unusual poetry is influenced not only by the history of his family but also a considerable consumption of alcohol. His poems have been preserved thanks to the care of Ruda B. Beran, who recognized the talent of Prchal and archived his works. Then I carefully studied the history of Czech naive writers and poets that reaches deep into the history of Czech literature. The most of my attention attracted Václav Svoboda Plumlovský, whose work was gathered and analyzed by the major humor theorist Vladimír Borecký. Václav Svoboda Plumlovský is considered to be the prince of the Czech naive literature. Thanks to him I got to the heart of the secrets of naive poetry and based on the analysis of his work I can appreciate the poetry by Prchal. Then I dealt with the activities of the artictic groups called Šmidrové and Křižovnická škola humoru bez vtipu. These groups share with the Yetti Club from Jevíčko the absurd sense of humor and penchant for pub folklore and admiration for the naive art. The original intention of my work was the exploration of the Iniciály civic association, organization supporting young talents. The Iniciály was founded through the combined efforts of the journalist, poet passionate hunter and newspaper editor in chief Oldřich Koudelka and the aforementioned poet Ruda B. Beran in 1997. The most prolific period of Iniciály is spred within the years 1998-2003. The group members had the opportunity to publish their works in Svitavský deník newspaper. The membership of the group exceeded 20 and the group organized a lot of cultural events such as readings, lectures, concerts and regular meetings of its permanent members. They were even preparing an almanac comprised of the works of the group members. The association sought to publish the individual works of its members. This effort was successful, but only in two cases. However, the management of the Svitavský deník newspaper ceased to publish the art annex where the members of the Iniciály civic association published their works. The reasons were economic. Koudelka left his position of the editor in chief in this newspaper shortly after. The activities of the association started to stagnate. Unfortunately, the association is at this state even today.

Počet záznamů: 1  

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