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  1. Věcné témagama-butyrobetaindioxygenasa
    Odkaz viz.4-Trimethylaminobutyrate, 2-Oxoglutarate Oxygen Oxidoreductase (3-Hydroxylating) (UF)
    Butyrobetaine Hydroxylase (UF)
    butyrobetainhydroxylasa (UF)
    butyrobetainhydroxyláza (UF)
    gama-butyrobetaindioxygenáza (UF)
    gama-butyrobetainhydroxyláza (UF)
    gamma-Butyrobetaine Hydroxylase (UF)
    gamma-Butyrobetaine, 2-Oxoglutarate Dioxygenase (UF)
    gamma-Butyrobetaine,2-Oxoglutarate Dioxygenase (UF)
    Trimethylaminobutyrate Hydroxylase (UF)
    trimethylaminobutyráthydroxylasa (UF)
    Viz téžoxygenasy se smíšenou funkcí
    Propojenígamma-Butyrobetaine Dioxygenase
    KonspektD08. - 811. - 682. - 690. - 708. - 401
    PoznámkaAn enzyme that catalyzes the HYDROXYLATION of gamma-butyrobetaine to L-CARNITINE. It is the last enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of L-CARNITINE and is dependent on alpha-ketoglutarate; IRON; ASCORBIC ACID; and OXYGEN.
    Odkazy (1) - MESH
    předmětové heslo

    předmětové heslo

Počet záznamů: 1  

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