Věcné téma | techniky dvojhybridového systému
Odkaz viz. | kvasinkový dvojhybridní systém (UF)
| kvasinkový dvouhybridový systém (UF)
| n-Hybrid System Techniques (UF)
| One-Hybrid System Technics (UF)
| One-Hybrid System Techniques (UF)
| Reverse One-Hybrid System Techniques (UF)
| Reverse Three-Hybrid System Techniques (UF)
| Reverse Two-Hybrid System Techniques (UF)
| techniky bihybridního reverzního systému (UF)
| techniky bihybridního systému (UF)
| techniky dvojhybridního systému (UF)
| techniky jednohybridního reverzního systému (UF)
| techniky jednohybridního systému (UF)
| techniky trojhybridního systému (UF)
| Three-Hybrid System Technics (UF)
| Three-Hybrid System Techniques (UF)
| Tri-Hybrid System Techniques (UF)
| Two-Hybrid Assay (UF)
| Two-Hybrid Method (UF)
| Two-Hybrid System Technics (UF)
| Yeast One-Hybrid System Techniques (UF)
| Yeast Three-Hybrid Assay (UF)
| Yeast Three-Hybrid System (UF)
| Yeast Three-Hybrid System Techniques (UF)
| Yeast Two-Hybrid Assay (UF)
| Yeast Two-Hybrid System (UF)
| Yeast Two-Hybrid System Techniques (UF)
Viz též | klonování DNA
| mapování interakce mezi proteiny
| molekulární sondy - techniky
| blotting far-western (RT)
Propojení | Two-Hybrid System Techniques
Konspekt | E05. - 393. - 220. - 870
| E05. - 601. - 690. - 650
| E05. - 601. - 870
Poznámka | Screening techniques first developed in yeast to identify genes encoding interacting proteins. Variations are used to evaluate interplay between proteins and other molecules. Two-hybrid techniques refer to analysis for protein-protein interactions, one-hybrid for DNA-protein interactions, three-hybrid interactions for RNA-protein interactions or ligand-based interactions. Reverse n-hybrid techniques refer to analysis for mutations or other small molecules that dissociate known interactions.
Databáze | MESH
Odkazy | (4) - MESH